Ben Krumwiede
Ben Krumwiede

Raised in the great state of Idaho, Ben worked on the Camp Crew with Backroads and now proudly calls the road his home. When not traveling around the Southwest in a borrowed 4Runner, he is busy training for marathons and planning around-the-world climbing trips.

Articles Written

Sunset in Snow Canyon
May 18, 2016

There's No Canyon like Snow Canyon

The perfect cycling combination awaits in the rolling desert hills near St. George, Utah: a butt-kicking workout on the way up followed by an adrenaline-pumping downhill race. When I first rode up Snow Canyon last summer, it was a real "sufferfest." Finally I crested that last sweaty hill, pushing my poor legs harder than they had any right to be pushed, filling my lungs with hot desert air... then I looked around. Miles of pristine Navajo sandstone stretched out before me, carved into towering walls of red and white striations. I felt like I was on Mars, and I was hooked.

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