Beth Pickhard
Beth Pickhard

Beth is an everyday explorer who enjoys bike touring and finding local craft beers at the end of a hard day’s ride. She’s originally from Wisconsin, but now she prides herself on living wherever she is at the moment. With a background in journalism and film, she strives to tell stories of people and places around her. 

Articles Written

May 17, 2018

How to Pack for a Hiking Trip

The world’s most stunning hiking trails, charming streets and cultural sites are begging you to explore them. Obtaining the right gear and trying it out beforehand will definitely help you get them most out of your hiking trip.

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Backroads Biking in Laos
October 6, 2017

Biking in Laos - Immersed in an Ancient World

The mother of two children clinging to her long, woven skirt encourages her two-year-old son to wave to you by grabbing his wrist and saying “sabaidee,” which means “hello” in Lao. When you pass by on your bike, waving back, the woman's daughter calls out, “Bye-bye!,” a phrase she probably learned at an early age to use to address passing bike tourists. If you’ve ever wanted to feel like a celebrity, try biking in Laos. Laotians in remote villages don't see many Westerners rolling through their homeland.

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