Cayla Enger
Cayla Enger

As a Colorado native, Cayla grew up loving the great outdoors. On skis by the age of three and camping while still in diapers, her love of playing outside and zeal for adventure has carried over into her adult life. It’s what inspired Cayla to spend a college semester abroad in New Zealand, which only expanded her desire to travel and share those experiences with others. A former Camp Crew and Trip Leader, you can now find Cayla at home in Colorado substitute teaching, riding her snowboard, playing her ukulele or sipping a local craft brew.

Articles Written

Teton Adaptive Sports DPort by the lake

Leaders Giving Back

To be bewildered, amazed and humbled by nature is a phenomenon that most of us are familiar with. Nature in its purest form is a compelling force that provides profound lessons about our place on this planet. It pushes our boundaries. It challenges our definition of comfort. But most importantly, nature can help us realize what we're capable of. The concept of personal growth through outdoor activity and the chance to share that experience with others is what allures many of us to become Backroads leaders. It's also what inspires many leaders to volunteer to help make these experiences accessible to underserved populations.

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