Duane Klaus
Duane Klaus

Duane funded his college and medical school studies by playing music professionally across Texas. Writing, travel and photography have forever walked alongside him. He and his lovely wife, Naomi, love the outdoors and all it has to offer. Having retired from medicine, he now spends most of his time in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, with its endless supply of outdoor activities. Writing is his current artistic passion. He’s working on a memoir, Return to Yesterday, Reclaim Your Future by Examining Your Past and a novel, When Lightning Comes. Backroads became part of the couple’s life in 2000. The Backroads experience hooked them on the very first trip. Since then, they have joined Backroads on 23 amazing adventures. Duane and Naomi hope to make it through the Backroads catalog before they’re summoned to no longer travel our planet, but to travel among the stars.

Articles Written

Trattoria in Italy on a Backroads biking trip
August 3, 2017

A Tuscany Photo Tour

In May, my wife and I traveled to Tuscany with Backroads. It was our 23rd trip with our favorite active travel company. A question often asked by fellow travelers is, what keeps you coming back? Simply put, Backroads is special. Backroads is family. Anyone can place you on a nice bike, take you to beautiful places and feed you good food. Backroads is an immersion experience in the sights, sounds, tastes, history and culture of a region. They do impeccable research for their cycling and hiking routes and their support is exceptional. Not only are Backroads leaders accomplished at their jobs, they are delightful, wonderful humans whom we have befriended on many occasions. Like minds are drawn to like experiences, so it’s not surprising that we have found some of our best friends on Backroads trips. Friends we still travel with, commune with, do life with.

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