Marty Perlmutter
Marty Perlmutter

Marty Perlmutter has been a business owner in Florida for more than 40 years and is semi-retired living in the shadows of Disney World near Orlando. His love for cycling started as a teenager living in New Jersey but didn’t become a long-distance cyclist until around the turn of the 21st century. Among his accomplishments are riding 1,348 miles from Florida to Maine in 2012, London to Paris in 2018 on a fundraiser along with his cross country ride in 2017. He gets great joy of riding bikes with his grandkids.

Articles Written

Biking Across America - Winslow Arizona
February 24, 2021

Biking Across America: A Backroads Guest Story

When Marty Perlmutter's good friend Roy passed away from multiple myeloma, Marty decided to bike across the USA from coast to coast to raise awareness of the disease in honor of Roy.

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