Molly Aiken
Molly Aiken

Molly Aiken fell in love with traveling at 16 years old when she packed up her backpack and headed to New Zealand for her junior year of high school. Needless to say, the travel bug zapped her, and she’s been exploring the world and learning how to be a better human ever since. Her passions include meeting people of all cultures, learning the harmonica, dancing and sitting on the back porch of her childhood home with those dearest to her heart. 

Articles Written

Backroads trip leader Molly Aiken at the Taj Mahal in India
August 8, 2017

Adventure Travel in India

India is everything you've heard plus a million more sensations. The contrasts knock you to your knees, humble you and build you back up within a matter of moments. It takes "exotic" to the next level and stamps the reality that we're from vastly different cultures but we're similar in so many ways.

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