Olga Bitsakis
Olga Bitsakis

Born and raised in Massachusetts, Olga is a first generation American with parents that immigrated from Crete and Sparta. She has been to Greece over 30 times throughout her life and continues to visit family in Greece, as she adds to her Backroads vacations! As an avid cyclist, she cycles for many causes, but having lost her mother to cancer, any cancer research ride is close to her heart. She completed the PanMass Challenge of 192 miles and has participated in many MS rides throughout the years.

Articles Written

Group of Backroads cyclists

Our Big Greek Family: Solo Travel with Backroads

We were 19 strangers meeting for the first time at the airport in Heraklion, Crete. We all had a common passion for cycling, hiking, seeing the world, and eating great food. Our easily identifiable Backroads jerseys came in handy while we were waiting for each other's arrivals.

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