Tracy Regan
Tracy Regan

Tracy has been studying wine personally and professionally and has attained her Level 1 Sommelier Certification. She lives in Durango, Colorado on the border of the San Juan Mountains and the desert canyon country. Tracy and her husband own a café in Durango and can either be found serving up local creations or enjoying the great outdoors.

Articles Written

Piedmont, Italy
February 12, 2016

The Wine Route to Piedmont

I have become an aficionado of Piedmont wines, which surprisingly are quite varied. Guests on the trips that I lead in Piedmont can expect to leave with a heavy dose of wine knowledge and encouragement to swirl, sniff and taste the different varietals. Although there are many to choose from, I like to encourage visitors to taste the three main reds: Barbera, Dolcetto and Nebbiolo.

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