Little is known about the earliest inhabitants of the Southwest. Once called the “Anasazi,” or "ancient enemy," mystery surrounds their existence, their cultur...
From the mountains to the vineyards to the Mediterranean, Italy has everything a traveler could want. Home to one of history's greatest empires, birthplace of p...
Here’s a riddle: three people go out on a bike ride. One of them is me, a lifelong runner and fairly avid cyclist....
In the 1920s Coco Chanel ushered in the era of the deep dark tan.
As you travel through Ireland, one given is that even the tiniest of towns will boast at least one Irish pub—and more likely, they’ll each have a fe...
Sometimes music can be a highlight of your travel adventures, whether it's the local street musicians, the songs of the birds or your guitar-strumming Backroads...
Backroads was honored to have Rue Mapp, founder of Outdoor Afro, join us last fall on a multi-adventure tour through South Carolina & Georgia....
What is it about Death Valley that gets such a hold on people and inspires them to live in what might be called the most inhospitable place in our nation? ...
It's safe to say I always have some pre-trip jitters. And a couple weeks ago, walking into the hotel lobby to meet our guests and begin my first trip of the sum...
See our new video to learn what makes our Performance Bike the right option for cyclists looking to power up up hills, crush descents and enjoy every turn ...
Check out our new video below to get reacquainted with a tried-and-true classic, the Backroads titanium Touring Bike. Want to see the rest of our bike fleet? Y...
Check out our new video featuring our completely redesigned, ready-to-roll titanium e-bike, which made its debut this summer! See Backroads Director of Operatio...