Our trip prices are based on double occupancy (two people per room). A private room charge (single supplement fee) is added for single room requests. If you’re traveling solo and seeking savings, we’ll do our best to pair you with a roommate of the same gender.
Trips for Adults
Trips for Adults
- Solo Travel - I am traveling on my own. Do you offer private rooms for solo travelers?
- Solo Travel - What is a private room charge (sgl occ)?
- Solo Travel - If I don’t want or need a private room, will you find me a roommate?
- Solo Travel - How can I find out if there are other solo travelers on a trip?
- Women's Adventures - Will my Trip Leaders be women?
- Women's Adventures - Who can book these trips?
- Women's Adventures - How are these trips different from other Backroads trips, other than that they’re for women?
- Women's Adventures - Is there an age minimum (or maximum) to join a Women's Adventure?
Solo Travel - What is a private room charge (sgl occ)?
Not finding what you’re looking for?
We're always happy to answer your questions via email or by phone at 800-462-2848.